Convert files with splits

Some transactions cover several categories (splits), and converting transaction files with splits could be challenging, depending on the output format.

The ProperConvert supports splits in transactions.

What is a transaction with multiple splits? When each transaction can have more than one category assigned.

Some formats support splits and the converter can convert transactions using splits. When supported, splits are passed during conversion and adapted when the output format does not.

Formats that support splits

  • CSV (can be created with multiple columns or multiple lines)
  • QIF format (for Quicken)
  • IIF format (for QuickBooks)

Formats that do not support splits

  • MT940
  • PDF

How to process splits converting to non-supporting formats

The OFX, QFX, QBO, and MT940 formats do not support splits. For example, a PayPal file has Gross, Fee, and Net columns, resulting in two splits and the amount. Since creating a transaction with multiple splits is not possible, the converter offers two ways to pass splits into the output file:

  • create separate transactions
  • collapse splits

Creating separate transactions will result in multiple transactions, but you can still work within your accounting software.

Collapsing splits will lose the category details but keep a transaction as a whole, which could be edited later in the accounting software.

Step 1: Create CSV splits as columns

For example, a CSV file with splits below has the Amount column, 'Split1', 'Split2', 'SplitCategory1', and 'SplitCategory2'.

If there are no split category columns, the name of this split column will be used as the category name for all transactions.

Step 2: Name split columns to support automapping

If possible to adjust column names in a CSV file, rename the columns before converting:

  • Name amount columns as Split1, Split2, Split3 and so on
  • Name category columns such as SplitCategory1, SplitCategory2, SplitCategory3, etc.

Step 3: Apply a custom mapping for split columns

Click 'Review Mapping' to use a custom mapping feature (provided for CSV/Excel files only).

The next step is to set the number of splits.

Set columns, which have split amounts.

In the same way, set columns for split categories.

Once the mapping is saved, verify that all splits are parsed correctly in the splits column at the end of the transaction grid.

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