Settings to convert to QBO files

This tutorial goes through the output settings for the QBO format. It uses a recently retired app, but still applicable to the current converter version.

So, if you are using the converter, that converts to the QBO format, such as the [ProperConvert] app, then you would have this QBO tab here, that you have to use to set the right QBO parameters. They are like complement transaction data, QBO files have transaction data plus additional things, that are related to the whole file.

In this case, it would be the Account ID. And if you have more than one account, you would see more than one choice, more than one group here. This is the Account ID for the QBO file, which is digits only number and Account Type, which could be Checking, Savings, Credit card, and others. So, when you convert transactions for one account, you have several files to convert, make sure to use the same Account ID for those files. When you're ready to convert to another account, make sure to switch the Account ID, when you start converting for different accounts. The same goes for the Account Type.

Another setting for the QBO file is Currency. For the QuickBooks US Edition, QBO files must have US Dollars currency, for Quickbooks Canadian edition - must be US dollars or Canadian dollars. There are also options to set: Bank ID or Branch ID, you can leave them empty using QuickBooks and you can set them if your accounting software requires this to be set. The next option is the Bank INTU.BID has to be from the allowed bank. You can see the list of banks, clicking the 'Lookup' button.

And you can start typing your bank name, for example, "Capital One" and you would see this bank is listed several times: there's one option for the Credit card, another option for the Checking account.

So, make sure, for example, "Wells Fargo Bank" (03000) allows all Credit account types and this is more than a bank label, it does mean anything, so you could have the "Wells Fargo Bank" label for the QBO file, but then you would select any account in QuickBooks, like Checking account, you would select any account to import your transactions into. Many users want to set the bank name to match, what they have in QuickBooks, but it's not necessary. The more important thing is to have the code to be allowed. Don't use code, that said 'not allowed' and don't use codes, that are not allowed for your Account type. So, for Checking, you cannot use a code, that lists only a Credit card.

Another setting for the QBO file: you can set the Balance and you can use these settings, like 'Deterministic References', 'Regenerate References', 'Allow non-numeric checks', 'Allow empty name', and 'Separate splits'. These are advanced settings. See another step-by-step tutorial about these settings. Suggest: not changing them, unless you specifically know, that you want to use them a specific way.

The app does not map expense/income accounts and/or classes

QBO (Web Connect) format that Quickbooks imports is a format you would download from your bank. Your bank provides details about your transactions (date, amount, payee, check number), but does not know about your accounting (is Staples purchase should be "Office supplies" or "Computer hardware"), only you as accountant/bookkeeper working with transactions for a specific company would know.

Considering details above, the app allows mapping of the following transaction details from CSV to QBO (web connect):

  • date
  • amount (negative for withdrawals/expenses and positive for deposits/payments to the account)
  • payee (Quickbooks shows this as "Downloaded as" because your bank does not provide exact vendor name as you have in Quickbooks, for example, it could "Shell #123" that you match to Shell vendor name
  • memo (additional details if present), look for "show memo text" checkbox in Quickbooks to see this field
  • check number

Quickbooks provides several tools to match imported through QBO file transactions to vendor records and assign expense/income accounts:

  • Expense/income account info is populated on a matched transaction from matched vendor record. It is a good idea to assign expense/income accounts on vendor records (as the most used ones for a specific vendor) as it saves you time on assigning accounts on transactions
  • Quickbooks remembers your choices for selected vendor record for a specific payee ("downloaded as") name. You should need to match vendors to specific payee names from a QBO file just one time
  • You may use renaming rules to assign vendor records and do other things like account assignment or class assignment
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